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European Development Days 2016
The European Development Days (EDD) are Europe’s leading forum on development and international cooperation. Organised by the European Commission, the forum brings the development community together each year to share ideas and experiences in ways that inspire new partnerships and innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.
This year REDISA CEO, Hermann Erdmann participated in the panel Towards a circular economy for sustainable consumption and production: A transition that combines business and environment for all? In this panel it was highlighted that (REDISA) South Africa’s unique waste management model could also be used in a multitude of other industries/countries. The other panellists were Mebrahtu Meles who is State Minister of Industry in Ethiopia, ChloĆ© Chambre – Simeha, Head of EU Public Affairs at SUEZ and Ruben Baumer from Circular Economy / Sustainable Consumption and Production in Belgium. The session was chaired by Karmenu Vella who is the Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries at the European Commission.
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REDISA Return Expected
South Africa’s REDISA vows to make a comeback after being cleared by the Supreme Court of Appeal.
The Recycling and Economic Development Initiative of SA (Redisa) says that it is committed to reviving its operations following the finding by the Supreme Court of Appeal that it was the subject of a campaign to ruin the programme.
IndWTMP published 7/12/2022
New Plan Disappoints
The DFFE published a draft Industry Waste Tyre Management Plan (IndWTMP) for comment on 7 December 2022, closing date 6 February 2023. This latest IndWTMP unfortunately falls short as much as the earlier Draft 9 previously commented on, and seems to have paid no attention to the commentary submitted on the Draft 9 plan. The IndWTMP is not a plan, nor is it a viable framework for implementing a plan. Our commentary on this latest IndWTMP, submitted on 2 February 2023, can be downloaded here.
No Tyre Plan In Sight, Policy Unclear
Government efforts to develop a new plan are not encouraging.

In March 2020 draft 9 of the CSIR Section 29 plan was published. The plan has multiple problems and internal contradictions. The comments REDISA submitted can be read here.

The April 2022 report by the research organisation Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS) was updated in October 2022. Unfortunately, it still contains wrong information and now excludes all mention of REDISA. An updated detailed commentary on the TIPS report can be read here.